Zam wesell wiki

Jango Fett hired her to kill Padmé Amidala on Coruscant, but the.

She has appeared in only one set.

She first appeared in the 2002 film, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, where she was played by actress Leeana Walsman.

Zam Wesell lernt Boba Fett kennen. Zam erklärte Jango, dass es sich bei jenem Artefakt ihn Wahrheit um eine Waffe handelte, welche Ashaar Khorda verwenden würde, um den gesamten Planeten Coruscant zu zerstören, wenn sie ihn nicht daran hinderten. Als Jango jedoch nach der Bezahlung fragte, erklärte sie, dass es keine geben würde, was die Sache vorerst komplizierte. This list of characters from the Star Wars franchise contains only those which are considered part of the official Star Wars canon. Some of these characters have additional and alternate plotlines in the non-canonical Star Wars Legends continuity, the characters found in that body of works are compiled in the list of Star Wars.

Zam Wesell is a Star Wars Minifigure introduced in 2002. She is a bounty hunter. Zam has appeared in only one set. The Minifigure features light purple torso and leg pieces, both of which have additional printing in shades of grey and a darker purple to represent the clothes that Zam is known to wear. The head piece is double-sided - one side showing the human form that Zam typically took. Leeanna Walsman (born 1979) is an Australian actress. This article is called Zam Wesell. Zam Wesell has been written from a simple, Ric Olié point of view.

Zam Wesell was a Clawdite female bounty hunter who lived during the last years of the Galactic Republic.

A non-simple version of Zam Wesell can be read on Darthipedia. Darthipedia is the Star Wars Humor Wiki. Zam Wesell is a fictional alien assassin featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. The character has also been featured in the non-canonical Star Wars Expanded Universe. Whenever Zam receives Rewards from a Contract, she also gains the following Payout. (Contracts are granted by certain Bounty Hunter Leader Abilities.) Payout: Whenever an enemy takes damage from a Thermal Detonator, Zam has a 25% chance to dispel all debuffs on herself, she gains Stealth for 1 Turn, and she gains 2% Max Protection until the end.

At some point, Wesell worked with bounty hunter Jango Fett.

Sie reiste und arbeitete fast ausnahmslos in der Gestalt einer menschlichen Frau. Während der letzten zehn Jahre ihres Lebens war sie für die Morde an zahlreichen Personen verantwortlich und führte unter. Zam Wesell as a Telepod. General Info Edit. Character Reveals Number: 2. Cacciatore di taglie e assassino part-time, è una compagna di Jango Fett, avendo lavorato con lui sin dagli eventi di Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. Recentemente, è stata assunta per aiutare Jango a uccidere il senatore Padme. Zam Wesell Is A Rare Lego Star Wars Minifigure That Was Available In 2002 And 2007.

The head piece is double-sided - one side showing the human form that Zam typically took, with the lower face obscured by a. Zam Wesell was a bounty hunter. The Zam Wesell minifigure has a head with two faces, one human and one clawdite face. She has a purple body and purple legs. She is armed with blaster rifle. Zam Wesell is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Story Edit. Obi Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker were busy guarding senator Padme Amidala when Zam Wessll, a bounty hunter, had entered in poisonous kouhons into her room while she was asleep. Zam Wesell was a minor antagonist from the 2002 movie Star Wars: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones.